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Welcome to Our Blog: due diligence (2)

Welcome to New York, Welcome NYS Reg 187

NYS Reg 187 is coming, R U ready. Attend our Webinar Series this Friday at Noon (click below), and...

Product Committee in a Box

Need to set up a product committee? Wondering if your product committee is on par with your peers?...

Product Committee Webinar - It doesn't have to be onerous, but it does have to be right

Do you have a Product Committee, is it set up the right way, and how does it compare to your peers?

DDW Product Score

By popular demand from our clients, finally - a 10-page Due Diligence Report in One Number. Welcome...

DDW 2019 Conference

We just completed DDW's 2nd annual conference focused on Compliance, Supervision, and Product...

What does Full Coverage mean?

Just back from a Citywire Pro Buyer conference in NYC. Had the opportunity to sit down with about...